General Leadership: Champions Don’t Take Shortcuts

My latest on General Leadership: A lesson every successful athlete learns quickly is champions don’t take shortcuts. Sure, an athlete can take performance enhancing drugs or try quick fixes, but those short term wins are usually overshadowed by long term defeats. The true champion, the one who everyone aspires to emulate and sports magazines profile, […]

“Ask General Leadership”

We’re starting a new feature over at called Ask General Leadership and I’m honored to be one of the first contributors! Here’s the first question: “I will be joining a team that is already formed and will be their Director. It is a team of 15 that is operating off site at a large […]

Creating a Culture of Respect

In my last article at, I wrote about how integrity is the very foundation of leadership. Extending that analogy, if Integrity is the “foundation” then Respect is the “walls” of a well-led organization. So, what does “Respect” mean for a leader, and how does a leader create a culture of respect in the organization? […]

Integrity Is The Cornerstone of Leadership

Integrity must be at the core of who we are as leaders if we’re to successfully inspire confidence in our teams. Because leadership is fundamentally about human relationships, integrity must be the very cornerstone of any leader’s foundation. In every aspect of our lives we depend on the integrity of others, and others do the […]

Leading with the Five Be’s

My latest on Leading with the Five Be’s From the time we’re very young we’re presented with a list of “don’ts” to set boundaries. To be sure young people get the lion’s’ share of the boundary setting, but every society and organization has its list of what you can’t do. Boundaries are necessary, but […] Finding the Sweet Spot and Leading Teams to Acheivement

I’m very proud to announce my first contribution to General Leadership, “Leadership Advice from America’s Most Trusted Leaders”! In military parlance, a Common Operating Picture (or “COP”) is a single presentation of the battlespace to a wide and distributed audience.  The purpose is to provide common understanding and situational awareness for all involved. I’ve adapted this idea […]